Lookup By Address
The address provided was found to be within 200 ft. of a school district boundary. Your address was found to be located in the following school district, however, since it is so close to a boundary, there is a chance that the address may be located in an adjacent school district.
Click here to view a list of adjacent school districts.

If you feel there is an error or have questions regarding the information you have received, please verify your district with your County Auditor or contact the Department of Taxation.Based upon USPS Address Standardization, the postal city for this address is different from the
physical city used for reporting School District Income Tax.
Input Address (Modify)
Address: 4325 Springcreek Dr
Suite, Apt, Lot: Apt e
City: Dayton
State: Oh
Zip Code: 45405-
Found Address
Address: 4325 Springcreek Dr Apt E
Suite, Apt, Lot:
City: Dayton
State: OH
Zip Code: 45405-1316
Physical City: Shiloh
School District Income Tax
Date: 3/9/2017
Help School District Name:  DAYTON CSD
Help School District Number:  5703
Help Income Tax Rate:  0.00%

Help Department of Education Number:  043844
The IT 1040/SD 100 Instructions can be found at tax.ohio.gov/forms and also used to confirm the school district type.

Note: Do not use the Department of Education's school district number when filing your Ohio income tax or employer withholding tax returns.
Reference Number: 0317-172032   Help 
Please note that this system does not provide information on municipal income taxes that may apply in portions of townships within a joint economic development district (“JEDD”) or a joint economic development zone (“JEDZ”). Click here to search for a JEDD/JEDZ rate. Neither the State of Ohio nor the Ohio Department of Taxation assumes any liability for any errors or omissions in the data provided by this system, or in any other respect. That said, if a school district income tax filing error occurs because of incorrect information provided by this system, the Department of Taxation will waive the penalty that would have been imposed based on school district income tax liability. On the other hand, the Ohio Department of Taxation cannot waive additional tax or interest that results from such errors, and penalties imposed by a municipality must be resolved with the appropriate taxing authority.
After receiving tax jurisdiction information for your address in The Finder, it is a good idea to verify this information with the appropriate municipality or county auditor even if no tax liability is indicated. If you feel there is an error or have questions regarding the information you have received, please e-mail the Department of Taxation at TheFinderHelp@tax.state.oh.us. Please refer to the reference number  0317-172032  displayed on this page.